One of the world’s healthiest beverages is said to be green tea. It is packed with antioxidants, which have a variety of positive health effects, such as enhanced brain activity, fat loss, safeguarding against cancer, reducing danger of heart disease.

More advantages for your health.

1. Improves Brain Function

Although green tea has less caffeine than coffee, it still has enough to have an impact. Additionally, it contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can enhance brain function by combining with caffeine.

It has additional brain-boosting substances besides caffeine. L-theanine, another amino acid present, can pass the blood-brain barrier..

The inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA’s activity is increased by L-theanine, which has anti-anxiety properties. Additionally, it boosts the brain’s generation of alpha waves and dopamine.

2. Contains Healthy Bioactive Compounds

It contains a lot of polyphenol antioxidants, such as the catechin known as EGCG. These antioxidants may improve health in a number of ways.
By lowering the body’s production of free radicals, these chemicals can shield molecules and cells from oxidative harm. These free radicals contribute to ageing and a variety of illnesses.

One of the most potent ingredients in this I s EGCG. Its efficacy in treating different disorders has been studied in research. It appears to be one among the primary ingredients responsible for the therapeutic effects of green tea.

3. Reduces Fat

Although not all research support it,  it may enhance fat burning and speed up metabolism in the short term.

4. Rich in Antioxidants helps in reducing cancer

Strong antioxidants found in this tea may help prevent cancer. Drinkers of it had a lower risk of developing a number of cancers, according to numerous research.

Its components have been linked in research to a lower risk of cancer, including the ones listed below:

Ovarian cancer. Women who drank the most this tea had a 20–30% lower chance of developing breast cancer, one of the most prevalent malignancies in women, according to a thorough assessment of observational studies.
Breast cancer. Men who drank it had a decreased risk of developing advanced prostate cancer, according to one study.
Intestinal cancer. A review of 29 research revealed that green tea drinkers had a 42% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

5. Green tea Protects Brain Ageing

The bioactive ingredients in green tea can protect the brain in a number of different ways. As dementia is a frequent neurological disease in elderly people, they might lower the risk of developing it.

6. Green tea Helps People With Type 2 Diabetes

According to certain carefully conducted studies, green tea may have a little hypoglycemic effect. Additionally, type 2 diabetes risk may be decreased.

7. Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

In addition to protecting LDL particles from oxidation, it may lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Green tea drinkers, according to studies, have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

8. Green tea Helps You Live Longer

Green tea drinkers may live longer than non-drinkers, according to studies. It makes because some of its components may help prevent cancer and heart disease.

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