A well-liked beverage with many health advantages is chamomile tea. The daisy-like blossoms of the Asteraceae plant family are the source of the herb known as chamomile. It has been used for ages as a home treatment for various illnesses.

The dried flowers are steeped in hot water to create chamomile tea. In addition to being a popular caffeine-free substitute for black or green tea, chamomile tea is also beloved for its earthy, mildly sweet flavor.

The abundance of chamomile tea antioxidants may also help reduce your chance of developing several ailments, including cancer and heart disease. Chamomile offers qualities that might improve digestion and sleep as well.

1. Digestive Health

  1. Your overall health is significantly impacted by proper digestion. There is some preliminary evidence that chamomile may improve digestion by lowering the risk of some gastrointestinal disorders.
  2. According to a few research, chamomile extract may be able to prevent diarrhea in mice. This is because it has anti-inflammatory qualities.
  3. Chamomile may lessen stomach acidity and prevent the growth of germs that contribute to the development of stomach ulcers, according to the results of another rat study.
  4. Despite these results, further studies on humans are required to validate the digestive benefits of chamomile.
  5. However, there are a lot of anecdotal reports that suggest chamomile tea can calm the stomach. It has historically been used to treat digestive issues like nausea and flatulence.

2. It improves Sleep Quality

  1. Chamunique’s unique qualities may enhance your sleep quality.
  2. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to specific brain receptors that may increase slumber and lessen insomnia or a persistent inability to fall asleep.
  3. One study found that postpartum women who drank chamomile tea for two weeks experienced better sleep quality than women who did not. They also displayed fewer signs of depression, frequently related to sleep issues.
  4. In another trial, participants who took 270 mg of chamomile extract twice daily for 28 days experienced 1/3 fewer night awakenings and slept 15 minutes more quickly than those who did not take the additional dose.

3. Protects Against Certain Type Of Cancers

  1. Apigenin is an antioxidant found in chamomile.
  2. Apigenin inhibits the growth of cancer cells, particularly those that affect the breast, uterine, prostate, skin, and digestive systems.
  3. A study including 537 participants found that those who drank chamomile tea 2–6 times a week had a considerably lower risk of thyroid cancer.

4. Improves Heart Health

  1. Flavones, a type of antioxidant, are widely present in chamomile tea.
  2. Studies have been done on flavones to see if they can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They are significant indicators of your risk for heart disease.
  3. In a study of 64 diabetic patients, those who drank chamomile tea with meals saw significant reductions in their total cholesterol, triglycerides, and “bad” LDL cholesterol compared to those who drank water.

5, May Benefit In controlling Blood Sugar

  1. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics could prevent pancreatic cells from becoming damaged. This happens when blood sugar levels are chronically high.
  2. Your pancreas generates insulin, the hormone in charge of eliminating sugar from your blood; thus, maintaining its function is crucial.
  3. Individuals who drank chamomile tea with meals every day for eight weeks had considerably lower average blood sugar levels than those who drank water.
  4. In multiple animal studies, chamomile tea may significantly lower fast blood sugar levels and help prevent increased blood sugar after meals.

The following chamomile tea health advantages are primarily reported by anecdotes and not proven by research:

  • Boosts immune function: Chamomile is used to avoid and treat the common cold.It is known to ease sore throats
  • Relieves anxiety and depression: There is some evidence that aromatherapy or supplement can lessen the severity of anxiety and depression.
  • Skin Hydration: Chamomile has reportedly to be hydrating and beneficial for reducing skin irritation.
  • Prevents bone loss: According to some, chamomile tea may help stop the bone loss that can result in disorders like osteoporosis.

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